I've been to a NYC ComicCon a couple of times. My honey is a fantastic artist. Here's a picture he did of Marius, a character who re-iterates a lot in our RPs and in my writing - http://revoincubus.deviantart.com/
Hotkins aside, in Western comics there's a consistent lack of female influence. Considering the fastest growing readership is girls and women, this seems like a marketing no brainer.
So why aren't Marvel, DC, TopCow, BOOM! IDW, Image, Zenescope and the rest running out to find female writers, editors and artists? Well there a few, but most of them are colorists, like Nei Ruffino, who while she does an amazing job bringing life, light and color to her work, isn't creating the content. The boobies and crotch shots she colors were drawn by guys.
Recently DC decided to restart their universe. They put Wonderwoman back in her undies and did an opener of Catwoman where you never see her face! Just TnA, as if women wander around their lairs in tiny outfits as a hobby. Don't get me started on how "empowering" Witchblade's teeny bikini outfit must be. Imagine trying to walk, let alone fight in that - Ouch!
Then there's Red Hood. In a feeble, juvenile attempt to show she's a "strong, liberated" woman, the writers made her into a joyless nympho. I'm fine with females having and liking sex, but making it a compulsion says a lot about the content creators and their target market: Boys.
Turning now to our ray of hope. The talented Orpheelin, whose work is sooo amazing I would buy the French books just to see more of Faust and Cendre. The art is stunning and while there's boobies aplenty, there's also plenty of pics of Faust and other male characters and their naughty bits. The story never treats the females as afterthoughts. They are important and even when they're having a rocking time bouncy-bouncy on some Norse half-elf, they're treated with dignity and respect.
Check out Orpheelin at http://orpheelin.deviantart.com/
Wow, Orpheelin is amazing! So is your hubby too though! Great stuff, I love it!
ReplyDeleteHappy to share and thanks - will tell the hubby how amazing he is. He'll be shocked ;)